Wealth Building

A roundup of March ETF launches: Part 2

About four dozen new ETFs were launched in March. Most are based on stocks with a small portion of bonds or other types of assets. Source link

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Tax Efficiency and Diversification: The Benefits of Direct Indexing

The popularity of direct indexing has rose up, with assets invested in direct indexes exceeding $260 billion at the end of 2022. This approach, which involves investing in the individual securities that make up an index rather than the index fund itself, offers a unique combination of benefits. Not only is it intended to allow…

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Lawsuits targeting Mariner continue to simmer in federal and state courts

Mariner Wealth Advisors is still waging legal battles on several fronts, with numerous cases pending in federal and state court. In one, Edelman Financial Engines is trying to stop Mariner's efforts to dismiss the case, arguing that the firm “has created a business model that drives away the investment and success of its competitors.” Connected:…

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Miracle Mile hires new chief investment officer

Miracle Mile Advisors, a Los Angeles-based RIA that oversees approximately $5.7 billion in client assets, has named a new chief investment officer with two decades of analyst experience to set the firm's research agenda and oversee the construction, implementation and portfolio management strategy. Most recently with Telemus Capital, where he served as CIO from late…

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IRS issues new notice on inherited IRAs

The Internal Revenue Service recently issued Notice 2024-35, waiving any excise tax for failure to take required minimum distributions for 2024 for certain legacy retirement accounts subject to the 10-year rule. in light of the delay in issuing final regulations under the Regulation of Every Community Pension Enhancement (SAFE) Act. Recall that the proposed regulations…

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Steward Partners adds a pair of firms, $488 million under new acquisition model

Steward Partners, a network of employee-owned and private equity-backed financial advisory practices overseeing approximately $32 billion in client assets, is adding five advisors and $488 million in client assets with two additions under a new acquisition model introduced through acquisition at the end of last year. In Virginia Beach, Va., Monaco Capital was founded in…

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The Diamond Podcast for Financial Advisors: How to Determine If

Almost every advisor reaches a point where they wonder how they can improve their business life. And it's likely something you can think about, too. For example, you may wonder how to grow faster. Either looking for ways to hire and develop next generation talent or build a team. Or get access to better technology….

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Adjusted for Risk: What Private Equity Advisors Need to Know

Andrew Krei, co-CIO of Barrett Upton Capital Partners and co-CIO of Crescent Grove Advisors joins Ryan Nauman to discuss private equity investing. In this fantastic episode, Andrew shares a ton of insight into the world of private equity. Andrew explains the different layers of private equity such as secondaries and venture capital. He also explains…

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The 15 Best Fortune-Destroying Stocks of the Last Decade

A lot of CNBC-type news and market analysis focuses on the short-term performance of individual stocks. But that doesn't necessarily give financial advisors the best picture of how their clients' equity portfolios are performing over the long term, the typical time horizon for most wealthy clients. That's why Morningstar recently conducted a review of 15…

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Fiduciary Law Trends | Asset management

2024 is sure to have a dramatic election as well as an interesting summer Olympics. Speaking of interests, there are many interesting court cases to discuss. Here are some notable ones that highlight developments in the field of faith. Source link

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