Wealth Building

Steve Lockshin's Vanilla reboots the Vanilla Academy

Property advisory platform Vanilla announced the relaunch of its education-focused program Vanilla Academy on Monday. The revamped education platform will feature multimedia content ranging from checklists to customer-facing PowerPoint presentations to free, on-demand courses approved for continuing education credit. Connected: Steve Lockshin's Vanilla Adds CEO, CTO “One of the biggest barriers to getting estate planning…

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Is a private loan really a private loan?

Private credit has seen its investor base expand significantly in recent years to include a growing number of wealth channel participants. This democratization has been made possible to a large extent by the emergence of investment fund structures such as business development companies. There are several different types of BDC structures, and when determining how…

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The Pros and Cons of Converging Wealth, Retirement and Work Benefits

The defined contribution industry is rife with the potential for advisers and providers to exploit the convergence of wealth, retirement and workplace benefits. And while there are few skeptics, there are also few counselors and providers able to fully participate. So is convergence a fad that will only benefit a select group, and not really,…

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The Power of Teaming

Discover unique benefits and dedicated support with the Wells Fargo Advisors team program. Source link

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LPL has no plans to change the cash clearing price

LPL has “no plans” to make changes to its pricing for cash solutions, including its cash laundering programs, according to CEO Dan Arnold. Arnold announced that the firm will stay on course to clean up cash during the firm's second-quarter earnings call. The decision comes even as multiple competitors have announced changes to their write-off…

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Texas court upholds DOL's fiduciary rule

A Texas federal court stayed the Labor Department's newest iteration of the fiduciary rulearguing that the rule “suffers from many of the same problems” as a previously watered-down version of a fiduciary standard for insurance professionals. The Federation of Americans for Consumer Choice, an Austin, Texas-based lobbying group for independent insurance professionals, filed suit against…

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When the pace of PE slows, will RIA vendors lose out?

Private equity continues to make its presence felt in industries as diverse as technology and infrastructure and, of course, wealth management. For an older advisor demographic coming out of the independent RIA space, the resulting increase in prices and multiples has been a boon. Will it last? If it falls on Shakespeare”what has passed is…

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Advisor sentiment index: Confidence in the economy is rising

Over half of financial advisors see a healthier stock market a year from now, while just over a third see darker clouds ahead. That will come with some volatility over that time frame, as only four in 10 advisers see a “somewhat better” market over the next six months, while 33% expect a net decline….

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WealthStack Podcast: CTO Insights with Michelle Feinstein

When you're the technology leader at a $1 billion wealth management firm, there's a lot that can keep you up at night. Technology issues are evolving, but fortunately, so are the solutions. When it comes to the CTO role, technical and analytical skills are only part of the job. It may be that no skill…

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The benefits of Substack as a publishing platform for advisors

Like clockwork, every Wednesday morning, Russ Thornton, an Atlanta-based advisor who specializes in helping women with retirement planning, publishes a financial newsletter called “Wealthcare for Women” on Substack. Substack is an online platform that makes it easy for authors to publish and distribute digital newsletters efficiently at no cost (as Thornton does) or make people…

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