Wealth Building

Advice for the next generation of counselors, including my son

As a financial advisor with more than three decades of experience, I have witnessed firsthand how our industry has evolved. As I watch my son begin his career as a counselor, I find myself reflecting on the lessons I want him to learn throughout his career. Investing has never been more accessible to the average…

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BeFi, AI, Oh My! Why customer engagement matters in the digital age

As a consultant, you understand that customer satisfaction is paramount. While performance is certainly a key factor, clients' evolving needs and what they value in an advisor extend beyond just financial results. But finding enough time in the day to really focus on your customers can be challenging, and that's where technology can help. This…

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Mass. Counsel Sues Hightower, alleging age discrimination

A Massachusetts-based adviser is suing Hightower, accusing the firm of trying to fire him because of his age. Glenn Frank filed suit in Massachusetts state court last week against Hightower Holdings and Lexington Wealth Management, the firm he has worked for since 2010, according to SEC filings.Hightower bought the firm in 2019 through a strategic…

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WM_2024 WealthStack Survey_WS_JP_09182024 | Asset management

How do advisors and their firms view the increasingly advanced world of wealth management technology and what do they see on the technology horizon? To find out, Wealth Management IQ surveyed advisors and firm executives for the third year in a row in the industry's only longitudinal study of technology use and preferences. This webinar…

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What bankers say you should (and shouldn't) do when the markets crash

(Bloomberg) — On days like Monday's dramatic selloff, which capped a three-week loss of $6.4 trillion in global wealth, personal finance experts usually have the same advice for cautious retail investors: Connected: Tech ETFs that pulled in billions have been hit with losses of up to 60% Breath. Don't overreact. Take a moment to evaluate…

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Focus Financial Partners postpones $3.65 billion term loan deal

(Bloomberg) — A $3.65 billion term loan package for Focus Financial Partners has been postponed, the third such case this week for a U.S. leveraged loan deal, as global market turmoil in recent days stem debt market issuance. The transaction was withdrawn from the syndicate on Tuesday morning, according to people with knowledge of the…

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Strategic Fundraising Options for Independent RIA Owners

Like any venture capitalist, an RIA owner needs a solid grasp of the financing options available for underwriting growth. However, the advantages and disadvantages of these methods can be difficult to see. To shed light, we'll focus on the financing strategies that most RIA leaders use to align capital with business objectives, life cycle stages…

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Advisors tell clients to 'Buy the Dip'

The US stock market has come under pressure this week amid a global stock market rout. While Asian stock markets have seen the biggest swings, the S&P 500 is down 4.8% in the past five days, and Wall Street's “fear gauge,” the Cboe volatility index, or VIX, hit an all-time high on Monday since the…

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Helping Disability Plan Clients

Disability can affect anyone—young or old—and can come on suddenly, such as in the case of an unexpected accident or debilitating health condition. Putting the right estate planning tools in place can ensure that an individual's wishes are respected and their assets are properly managed if they become incapacitated. This article will discuss the key…

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10 Investments to read this week

Amid the market fury in recent days, some wire advisors are telling clients to “buy the dip,” FundFire reports. The disappearance of a popular trade borrowing in yen and investing in other currencies is one culprit for increasing market volatility. These are among the investment must-reads we found this week for wealth advisors. WealthManagement.com |…

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