Wealth Building

Apollo, State Street tries to prove that private debt ETFs can work

(Bloomberg) — In the race to open up the multitrillion-dollar private-asset market to retail investors, Apollo Global Management and State Street Global Advisors appear to have jumped ahead of rivals with their breakthrough PLAN for a new ETF loan. Now, industry participants are left wondering exactly how the institutional big guns will successfully marry famously…

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22 529 College Savings Plans from the Best Selling Advisor

Educational platform Savingforcollege.com recently released its annual estimates for state-sponsored 529 plans. This year's edition of the ratings used a new methodology based on four categories to determine the overall attractiveness of each plan on a five-point scale: Performance: Historical investment returns of the plan. Ease of use: Ease of opening, maintaining and using the…

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Your next financial advisor will be in an app

(Bloomberg Opinion) — I see a personal trainer five days a week and am now in the best shape of my life. I couldn't handle Doug when I was younger – and I wouldn't be able to now, but for technology. Doug lives on the West Coast and trains me (and dozens of others) through…

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Wall Street's income-ETF boom comes with a twist for the Nasdaq 100

(Bloomberg) — A new Wall Street ETF is offering investors a new way to extract income from the world of stocks by targeting an unlikely index: the Nasdaq 100. Issuer Pacer ETF Distributors last week debuted a product that offers exposure to technology companies — more famous for furnishing growth than dividends — alongside increased…

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RIA Edge Podcast: Ken Stern on Lido Advisors' Path to $20B in AUM

Sponsored by Related: Lido completes the first deal since Constellation's investment Ken Stern's journey with Lido Advisors began almost a decade ago with a chance meeting at a family office conference. His initial connection with Lido's founders quickly evolved into a shared vision for providing unmatched customer service and scaling a national brand. In some…

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Wealth Management Invest: Trends in Portfolio Construction

WealthManagement.com's David Bodamer sits down with Mike Scarsciotti, SVP and head of investment specialists at Fidelity Investments, to discuss the changing dynamics of portfolio construction. Fidelity derives insights from analyzing 12,000 portfolios. Their talk covers important trends, including the growing popularity of ETFs, the resurgence of active management strategies, and emerging approaches to asset allocation…

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Elevation Point Snags Dynasty Exec as New COO

Elevation Point, an investment firm launched in June by former Sanctuary Wealth CEO Jim Dickson has hired Caitlin Douglas, former managing director of transition services and co-head of service at Dynasty Financial Partners, as its chief operating officer. “As we were getting ready to launch and start the transition teams, and invest in the teams,…

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The New York team relinquishes the right to launch RIA with Dynasty backing

A team of 14 financial advisors and support staff in New York City has created its own registered investment advisor, Matauro, in partnership with Dynasty Financial Partners. The team, which oversees $700 million in client assets, was previously with Equitable Advisors. Partners Matthew Klein, CEO, Barrett Tabeek, CFO and Steven Van Hooker, COO, lead Matauro….

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Smarsh Building AI Intelligent Agent for Compliance

Smarsh has announced the development of an AI-powered Intelligent Agent, which it will begin selling as an add-on product to fully integrate with its enterprise behavioral monitoring platform in 2025. The company is a leading provider of electronic capture, archiving, surveillance and discovery of digital communications within the brokerage and RIA industries. Related: Addepar launches…

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$2 billion New York team joins Wells Fargo from JP Morgan

A New York-based team that manages about $2 billion in client assets is joining Wells Fargo's Private Client Group from JP Morgan, the call center announced Thursday. The Canell Group includes advisors (and brothers) Jay and Neil Canell and fellow advisors Justin Dembo, Jake Klarberg, Benjamin Mayo and Daniel Zomback (and their support staff). Related:…

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