Mental Health

Childhood neglect – neglect trauma? A systematic review

When the term childhood trauma is mentioned, your mind may first turn to physical or sexual abuse. However, another form of trauma that is often overlooked is neglect. Unlike abuse, neglect is not a visible physical act, which can make its harmful impact easier to assess. Indifference is defined as a “General and persistent failure…

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Recovery under close observation – three decades

It has been over thirty years since William A. Anthony's seminal article (Anthony, 1993) helped redefine our understanding of mental illness recovery and its implications for services. It amplified the voices of people with lived experience and emphasized that recovery is not just about relieving symptoms, but instead about living a full, hopeful and meaningful…

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Top 10 Thoughtful Gifts for a Friend or Loved One with Bipolar Disorder 2024

Today I want to write about the top 10 gift ideas for someone with bipolar disorder, because people often don't know what to get when trying to support not only the person, but also their mental health. Thoughtful, supportive gifts that encourage relaxation, self-care, and creativity can show a person with bipolar disorder how much…

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Understanding anosognosia in bipolar disorder: why some people don't believe they are ill

Have you ever met someone with bipolar disorder who insists that they are not sick or who believe that others are the problem instead of them? Maybe you have felt that way yourself. This is not uncommon. In fact, up to 50% of people with bipolar disorder experience a symptom called anosognosia – inability to…

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The Bipolar Rule: You can't overthink bipolar disorder.

Please note: This is a sneak peek Bipolar rules – which means it's just a draft. This is not the final version. For a very long time, I thought I could beat bipolar disorder. I thought that if bipolar disorder was in my head, my mind could defeat it. I thought that if I just…

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The Power of Language: How Words Shape Your Mindset and Mental Health — Win a pair of pajamas with Purpose™

Today we're talking about how positive language can improve your mindset, your mental health, and how fashion can help you get there. Kimberly Wilkerson of Token Clothing Company™ is today's contributor. Read on to find out how win your favorite set of PJs that boost her mood. Think for a moment about how to fill…

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Can self-help programs improve youth well-being or prevent disease?

Young people's mental wellbeing is a growing focus in both the UK and Woodland World. A number of studies have been conducted looking at the implementation of universal interventions for young people to try to protect his well-being and prevent disease. Unfortunately, the literature to date shows that universal interventions are not effective in promoting…

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The effect of daylight savings time on life satisfaction

Every year I approach the end of March and October with the same growing anxiety that my sleep patterns will be disrupted and I'll be tired, grumpy and generally miserable for the better part of a week. Setting the clocks back and forth an hour to save energy might have made sense in the early…

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Dextromethorphan and Ketamine: A New (Expensive) Depression Treatment Option Explained – Bipolar Burble Blog

Ketamine and esketamine (Spravato) have been breakthrough treatments for depression, but unfortunately many people cannot afford ketamine or esketamine (more on the differences in a moment). This is the tragic reality of many new treatments (especially in the US) — they exist, but are out of reach for the people who need them most. However,…

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What It Feels Like to Recover from Depression: My Personal Bipolar Journey – Bipolar Burble Blog

It's not something I write at all. Do you know why? Because I'm generally depressed and no recovery from depression. My bipolar disorder is characterized by punctuated depression mixed mood. And this characterization has been true for years. Years and years of trying to get better. Years and years not being able to get better….

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