
Why should you focus on personal brand before pr

The opinions expressed by the contributors of the entrepreneur are theirs. When people contact me with questions about the executive brand, they are often called personal brandThe most common questions I get are: In which magazines can you enter me? In which podcast can you reserve me? WHEREAS my agency Does it help customers with…

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Colored people are building wealth from sidewalks – but that's why the concert economy can also harm them.

The opinions expressed by the contributors of the entrepreneur are theirs. Since 2023, one in three Americans had a sidehill – of them, 52% began in 2022 or later. By getting an additional job in concert To ignite an exciting entrepreneurial venture, millions of people started a sidehill, and colorful people were part of this…

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Black women are using side hurry to alleviate the wage gap. Are you helping or hurting them?

The opinions expressed by the contributors of the entrepreneur are theirs. Since 2023, one in three Americans had a lateral fit. By getting an additional job in concert To light an exciting entrepreneurial venture, millions of people began sidehill rush, and black women were part of that wave. A cause of Side stimulation Boom was…

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All-Star NBA game was a flop what to learn

The opinions expressed by the contributors of the entrepreneur are theirs. All-Star NBA game has always been a spectacle. Whether where the biggest names in basketball are made together to display their talent, to have fun fans and Celebrate the game in a way that feels fresh and familiar. But this year, something changed. The…

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Are you looking for VC funds? Make sure you have the answers to these 5 questions

The opinions expressed by the contributors of the entrepreneur are theirs. If you are founding with deceit of greatness that Entrepreneurship capitalists Are they just waiting for you to look for money, I'm sorry to burst your bubble – it's not how it works. But you are smart. You know you can't get any funds…

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This is the only feature that every great leader needs

The opinions expressed by the contributors of the entrepreneur are theirs. Courage is not about ruthlessness or courage; Mean Making what is right without moving away from fear or impulse. This interpretation redefines the role of a leader who must be based on the values ​​of integrity, personal growth and accountability. By definition, he reads…

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Want to build your business faster? This neuroscientist has a strategy: you have to “learn in public”

The opinions expressed by the contributors of the entrepreneur are theirs. The following extract is from Anne-Laure Le Cunff's new book Small experiments: How to live freely in a fixed world. When developing new ideas, most entrepreneurs work behind closed doors, detecting their products only when they are polished and perfect. What if there is…

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Why 260% dance in highlighting independent employment a large shift in North America

The opinions expressed by the contributors of the entrepreneur are theirs. Last fall, we voted beginnings in their views of flexible labor force. We kept the questions open to avoid the bias of the data group, but we anticipated a generally positive feeling. What we found is that flexible talent is no longer just an…

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Apple reveals new air iPad in four colors

Apple Tim Cook wrote in a post on X on Monday that there was “something in the air”. Now it is clear what that “something” was – a new iPad Air with Apple Intelligence. Tuesday, Apple presented New iPad, explaining that it was created to support Apple's intelligence and its features of itIncluding integrated chatgt,…

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Michael Bloomberg Tops List of American Philanthropist

Michael Bloomberg, 83, topped the list of Americans who donated more money to non -profit last year, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy Philanthropy 50 List for 2024. It was the second year that Bloomberg led the list. Bloomberg provided $ 3.7 billion for charity in 2024 in support of the arts, education, public health…

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