
More companies are rushing to hire a chief AI officer—but do you need one? Here's what you need to know.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. This spring, the US Govt took an unprecedented step: requires every US agency to appoint a chief AI officer. This follows on the heels of companies in various industries adding similar roles to their leadership ranks. This is a move in the right direction for companies looking…

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Kroger, Albertsons sell stores to appease FTC, Close deal

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) it is challenging Kroger's acquisition of Albertsons and Kroger, and now the two stores have offered another compromise to quell concerns about approval of the merger. Now, the two grocery chains have agreed to sell another 166 stores to C&S Wholesale Grocers (which owns 24 Piggly Wiggly and Grand Union supermarkets)…

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How AI is changing business school curriculum, accreditation

The Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia is running an AI pilot program called ChatSDGand last week in the largest in the world Business Education Conference, professors, deans and administrators from other business schools were all “scrambling” to test it, Bloomberg reported. ChatSDG assesses how well scientific articles and journals match…

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How to increase team morale and success through employee recognition

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The art of celebrating team moments has evolved into a crucial leadership skill. A recent study by Nectar, an employee recognition software company, found that almost 84% of employees say recognition affects their motivation to succeed at work, and nearly eight in 10 people admit they would…

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How mindset plays a role in your entrepreneurial success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When you consider the various factors that contribute to your success as an entrepreneur, mind set may not be the first thing that comes to mind. Mindset may not seem important as you move from task to task, but it has a significant impact on how you…

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Unlock your most innovative ideas with these 3 mental models

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In a world where GPS is a finger tap away, most people take maps for granted. It is difficult to understand that the oldest surviving maps had little to do with reality. Babylonian World Map, for example, was a clay tablet about the size of a first-generation…

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8 ways to make remote work more efficient for everyone

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. For the first time since we were all forced in remote work in 2020, it finally seems like the debate surrounding it is settling down. Companies that wanted their teams back in the office have adopted policies accordingly. Meanwhile, telecommuters with a passion for remote work have…

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Successful businesses have this one thing in common

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. High performing startups often appear strong founding teams that combine business-minded generalists and technical-expert specialists. The mythic founder who does it all is rare for good reason. The skill set that makes someone a top-level developer or scientist is not the same skill set needed to raise…

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Save over $100 on Windows 11 Pro through April 30th

Disclosure: Our goal is to display products and services that we think you will find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, the Entrepreneur may receive a small portion of the sales revenue from our trading partners. Most modern professionals work on a computer every day. Whether you're running a business, looking for a job,…

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Goldman Sachs CIO tells engineers to study philosophy

Learn how to code? A standard engineering degree may not be enough. In one the last post IN Harvard Business ReviewGoldman Sachs Chief Information Officer Marco Argenti said AI can now write high-quality code, sometimes bigger than humans, and the technology is only getting better. So how does an engineer keep it? He told readers…

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