How to find long-term career fulfillment in today's world

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The post-global shutdown career landscape requires more than survival – it requires new skills to achieve professional fulfillment.

“Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!” – Dorothy, The wizard of oz

“It's no surprise that the career landscape has been irreversibly transformed by the global shutdown. For many of us, it has forced us to turn to new industries, driven by the need to keep food on our tables, to keep costs down additions to our lifestyles due to inflation and to continue funding our financial plan strategy so we can have financial freedom, while initial growth is often the way to pure survival. having clarity on your career, life and business results is the main thing that has helped turbocharge my success after the global shutdown.

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My challenge to you is to take the time to get clear on your path.

Ask questions like:

  1. Where do I see myself in 1-2 years in my life and business/career if everything worked out perfectly as planned?

  2. How can I add value now?

  3. What would I do with my time if I had all the money possible?

  4. Where are the areas I need clarity on?

  5. Who do I know who can help me get to the other side of this obstacle?

  6. Ask people for book recommendations that would provide knowledge that would shorten the time to get to the other side.

  7. And finally, my favorite: Ask ChatGPT for help getting clarity on this matter.

As you navigate this new path, one of your biggest obstacles will be to avoid at all costs the temptation to take the path of least resistance. Remember, the obstacle is usually the way through. It's not pleasant, you and I both know that, however, if you can remember a moment when you didn't give up, pushed through, and reached that breakthrough moment, you'll be able to use that state of mind to empower yourself to win this chapter in your life.

Real growth and lasting change begin with refocusing on you self-possession trip. This isn't just about moving up the career ladder or buying that first class ticket to Portugal; it's about learning how to serve your customers and team with gratitude while finding new ways to add massive value to the market.

Once you start hitting milestones, like making an extra $100,000 a year or hitting $10,000 a month in passive income, it's time to reflect—not just celebrate. Ask yourself: What skills helped me get here? How can I use them further? The goal is not only to achieve financial comfort, but to prepare for the long term career and life fulfillment.

This stage of career development is less about monetary gain and more about tending to cracks in your foundation. The future is counting on you to take this seriously.

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Pursuing career fulfillment is very often a much bigger struggle than you expect, and not many will tell you the truth about it, but I will. It begins with the fulfillment of basic needs, but evolves into a quest for it meaningful achievement that reflect our deepest values ​​and aspirations. It's about knowing the right moments to move forward and when to pivot, flexing your faith muscles knowing that every step you take is aligned with your larger life goals.

If you are at this crossroads, remember: You only lose when you give up. Going back is not the same as giving up. And sometimes a miracle takes a little longer than expected. Have faith that this storm will pass and remember to learn the lessons you are supposed to learn from this season.

You should keep learning. The skills that got you to where you are today may not be the same ones needed for the future. Invest in education, opt for formal schooling, online courses and even self-study. By maintaining professional relationships, you can have many opportunities flowing. Attend industry events, join professional groups, and don't be afraid to reach out to mentors for advice and collaboration—networking is still part of learning a new skill.

Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is crucial. Set boundaries to ensure you have time for relaxation and personal growth. Burnout is a real risk, and maintaining a healthy balance is important for long-term success. Being open to change and willing to adapt is a big part of thriving in the new normal.

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As you find your footing and begin to succeed, think about how you can contribute to your community or industry, whether through mentoring or sharing your knowledge, as navigating the new normal isn't just about surviving, it's about thriving, with a proactive approach and commitment.

With the right mindset and strategies, we can bounce back challenges in opportunities and stay focused and resilient. Remember that the journey to professional success is not an easy one – we will always have ups and downs and we must prepare for them with our eyes open. Embrace the changes and think about what that situation will teach you and you will find yourself thriving in the new normal.

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