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I have spent the last few years DRILL some of the most successful entrepreneurs from around the world. I have seen first hand what helps them achieve great prosperity by creating a lot of energy and happiness in their work and personal life.
The path to success varies widely among those who follow it, yet some common practices link it. My journey has enabled me to draw key lessons from these real-life stories. I am currently working with some business partners who are taking some chips off the table in their $2.85 billion valuation business. We recently helped a client and his business partner sell their business to a global public company for $800 million. This experience has helped me discover seven strategies and principles that drive success beyond what most people dream of seeing.
1. Write down your future to achieve it
The first step in deciding what you want is to simply write it down. Research has shown that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them than those who do not. Identify what you really like without yet deciding on a specific outcome to achieve.
These successful individuals did not achieve greatness by accident. They took the time to really think about what they wanted their future to be like and intentionally did what they could to create that reality.
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2. Build your network
Achieving your goals often involves connecting and networking with those who have already found success or are on a similarly ambitious path as you. People ask me all the time how to grow their network, and the first thing I can suggest is to decide to make yourself truly valuable to the people you admire.
I don't like the term “networking” and would prefer the idea of ”connecting” with others. Keep your commitments and be personalized. Over time, your “network” will grow and your reputation will open new doors.
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3. Prioritize achievement and renewal
High achievers sometimes don't understand the critical balance between work, rest, and play. Burnout is a real threat to lasting success and prosperity. To maintain long-term productivity, it is essential to engage periods of relaxation and self-care.
Just as weightlifting only becomes effective when you include rest days for your muscles to grow, the same principles apply to your work focus. You need to create space to let go and recover, especially in this “information age,” where most of our time is spent looking at screens and processing new information all day and night. .
4. Think long term with money decisions
Before making any important financial decisions, consider the long-term impact of your options. Financially successful people understand the difference between a an asset and a liability. Be sure to keep your long-term perspective when making money decisions and avoid the temptation to spend or borrow to get what society says you should have.
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5. Stay stable in a crisis
The composed behavior and emotional stability of successful leaders enable them to think, make rational decisions, and find opportunities in the midst of chaos. That's how I approached investing real estate and the stock market in 2007-2009 when the recession looked like it would have no upside – I used cash and even used my wallet to buy stocks in the spring of 2020. When you see everyone else pulling back, stay tuned quiet This builds confidence in the people you lead and shows how strong leadership can make a big difference in difficult times.
6. Look for experienced advisors
Successful individuals are particularly selective when seeking advice. They prioritize first-hand knowledge experience. Don't take advice from people you wouldn't trade places with. Make sure you get guidance from experts who are grounded in real-world success and have been where you're going. Look for the depth and authenticity that only first-hand experience can provide. People who seem to know it all are usually advisors you should stay away from. Remember, the best of the best stay curious.
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7. Health is wealth
Wealth without health or happiness is meaningless. The desire to be financially successful at the expense of your health or relationships is a sure path to an empty and lonely life. The successful people I have coached and mentored for the past two decades know that true wealth includes well-being, family, and the ability to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Of course, success looks different from person to person. This 20+ year journey of coaching and mentoring some of the world's most successful entrepreneurs has taught me much more than I could have imagined. From the power of writing down aspirations to prioritizing health and cultivating valuable networks to understanding the value of rest and recovery, they've taught me (and hopefully you) to follow a path to style more prosperous and more complete life.