The world is busier than ever – hustle and bustle is the name of the game – and it can be hard to keep up with it all. To help, most people use a calendar in one form or another; indeed, many people have multiple calendars. From a large desk planner to cute designs you can hang on the wall, calendars help keep you on track.
In just the last decade or so, more and more people have come to use a digital calendar, which can act as your personal assistant. Still, so many digital calendar features are underutilized when using them can dramatically change your workday and even your life.
1. Synchronization
If you're using a digital calendar like Calendar, Google Calendar, or Microsoft Outlook, you probably have several versions set up for different areas of your life. The most obvious are family, personal and work. You have to remember your kid's soccer game, your afternoon yoga class, and that big meeting after lunch. All of this is great if all your calendars don't sync.
Syncing your various calendars will ensure you don't overdo it. It will also allow anyone else who adds items to your calendar – your assistant, your spouse or a team member – to avoid double booking. You can sync your calendars both within a single app and across your devices. So if you have Google Calendar for work but use Microsoft Outlook for your family, you can get them on the same page. Synchronizing your calendars requires a step by step processbut once you've done it, your life will likely feel a lot simpler.
2. Reminders and alerts
Gone are the days when you could just schedule something in your planner and trust that you would remember it. Perhaps you would review your day in advance and lock it into your memory. No – now you have dozens of things to do all in one day, and missing one can be disastrous. Everyone has done it. You missed your child's performance at the show because you were caught up in a meeting. You were late for your meeting because your focus time ran out.
It happens, but it doesn't have to. Set reminders for yourself on your calendar to avoid these common confusions and mistakes. You can alert yourself a day before, an hour before and 10 minutes before. Why not do all three? Missing the essentials in life and work doesn't mean you don't care; it just means you are not prepared. Set reminders and alerts and aim to never miss another important part of life.
3. Separation
If you are on a team, you should share your calendar. Most people are on multiple teams. Think about it – you have your family, staff, colleagues, friends and maybe even your extended family. All of these small groups make up teams, and you likely have tasks, meetings, and meetings to complete and attend together. One of the most critical aspects of a strong and cohesive team is that everyone is on the same page.
You don't want to have a social gathering and forget to invite one of your friends. Likewise, you can't effectively manage a project without keeping everyone aware of standards and deadlines. Sharing the calendar is ideal for keeping everyone on track of what's going on. Everyone on the team can add items and everyone will receive alerts when they are added. Then, if you've synced your calendars, make sure you don't overbook – it's a win/win.
4. Meeting Details
While many teams have meetings scheduled on the calendar, not all teams add details. You've likely heard the jokes and sarcastic remarks about how “this meeting could have been an email.” Most people don't like wasted meetings or feeling like their time has been wasted. They also don't like to feel blindsided.
To help get your team on board and even excited about the upcoming meeting, include detailed notes. Just like when you were in school, your teacher would often give you a warning of what was to come. You had to read, review notes, etc. When you include ample calendar entries for an upcoming meeting, you give your team advance notice. They can come to the session focused, prepared and engaged.
5. Reservation of meeting rooms
Remember, people are already busier than they've ever been. So whenever you are tasked with leading or planning something for others, make it as easy as possible for them. One of the craziest parts of going on a date is trying to get there in the first place. Again, back to the school reference, your first time on campus, the race to find a classroom you've never seen is frustrating. You arrive stressed and overwhelmed.
The same anxiety occurs when staff members try to go to a meeting – whether virtual or in person. If you're planning a virtual meeting, include the Zoom or Google Teams link in the calendar event. If you are meeting in a physical location, make sure all details about the space are included in the event. And, of course, make sure you are booking facilities like a pro. Your team will thank you for it.
6. Out of the office
One of the biggest features for those with full lives is the Out of Office option. If you're not using this feature yet, you should probably go into your calendar and mark things individually. You've canceled every appointment, rescheduled every appointment, and apologized. It's too time-consuming for you and likely annoying for anyone hoping to take up your time.
Instead of this exhausting approach, you can simply go into your calendar and schedule yourself out of the office ahead of time. Once you plan a vacation, notify your calendar. That way, you and anyone else who adds items to your days will be alerted to avoid scheduling at that time. You can schedule yourself out of the office for a week or two or just an afternoon. And you won't have to disappoint anyone with last-minute cancellations.
7. Focus time
Speaking of time out, you might as well get time in. Time block it's not a new phenomenon on the calendar, but it's getting more attention these days. Time blocking occurs when you block off time in your calendar for “deep” productive work, rest, or even play. When you plan this way, you force yourself to do what needs to be done. Even more importantly, you stop yourself from doing other unrelated tasks during that time.
Focus time is one of the best blocks of time you can schedule for yourself. Schedule it on your digital calendar, sync it and share it with everyone. Focus time is the block, maybe two hours, when you don't answer phone calls or emails, close your door, and you, yes, focus. Choose a time when you know your brain is working at its best, schedule time to focus and get your work done.
Ultimately, these calendar tools are worth the extra time it may take to learn how to use them. They can make your work time more productive, your play time more relaxed, and your life easier to manage. And don't forget to use your calendar insights at the end of each week and month to review and reflect. Finding out what works and what doesn't will help you move forward more effectively. Soon, your schedule may feel more manageable and you may notice yourself breathing easier.
Featured image credit: Photo by Antoni Shkraba; Pexels
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