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Entrepreneurs are infamous pushing the joyincluding myself, sometimes. We say, “I will make that trip after closing this agreement”, or “after retiring, I will slow down and spend more time with my family.” What if never come “later”?
Latest thanks, my family and I were in Auckland, navigating a US Cup boat. We met with this super friendly couple, who had just retired. They were in cloud nine and shared with us their plans to move to Hawaii and then continue to travel. My wife and I recommended that they take the same tournament guide we would use, someone who would show us the best adventures on the islands.
A few weeks later, we got a text from the woman saying her husband had passed away from a massive heart attack shortly after returning home shortly before Christmas. She thanked us very much for the recommendation of our tour guide in Hawaii, because those adventures became their latest entertainment experience together before it passed.
Talk about a punch of bowel! I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Reminded me that Tomorrow is not guaranteedSo why in the world we continue to delay the moments that make life worth living?
Start living now
Life does not come stamped with a “best tasted” date. Like that retired couple in New Zealand that were so full of life and plans, we entrepreneurs always look at the horizon. We flourish in the challenge of push borders and Taking the calculated risks – It's in our DNA. But ironically, very often avoid the greatest risk of living at the moment.
Now, if the story of that couple doesn't make you stop and think about your life, I don't know what you want. We all fall into the trap of thinking that we have all the time in the world to travel after we retire, rest and create moments with our loved ones. But life has a funny way to throw curveballs. Before you know, children are in their adventures, your body is not as young as it used to be, and you realize that you have removed things that really matter. “A day” is not actually a time to plan.
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Give your everything in all you do
I have five children, and I run numerous businesses, so I take the act of fraud. Most entrepreneurs feel like they constantly rotate tiles, thinking, “If I give more my career, I'm cutting my family; when I'm with my family, I'm taking the ball at work.” Here is the thing: Balance is a myth if you define it as a pure 50-50 compartment.
Be fully invested in everything you are doing. I show 100% at work and dive with focus and creativity. When I'm home, I'm all there – closed laptop, silent announcements, pumpkins shot in the street and talking about life around the dinner table. You can achieve more (and make it better) when your mind is not divided between guilt and responsibility. It is not about tuning hours; You have to be completely present and invest wherever you are, whatever you do.
Success means nothing if you lose what matters most
I have worked with entrepreneurs who have built businesses billions of dollars, but I have ended up with broken marriages and children they can hardly know. I'm sorry, but that's not success in my book. I don't care how excellent your net value looks unless you can show any genuine relationship. No one aims to neglect their family – but these things happen when you live a fully imbalanced life, focused only on money and status.
In fact, you will be a much more creative, calm and acceptable whole for fresh opportunities if you are not constantly fighting home battles or holding a load of guilt to work. When I know that my wife and children are completely in my corner, he liberates me to follow new enterprises without feeling as if I am changing people who matter the most. That kind of support removes a massive weight from my shoulders.
Build a life from which you do not need vacation from
Like you, I'm a type of type, and many there will be connected when I say that focusing on the next point is more attractive than stopping to celebrate victory. But think about it: if we never stop appreciating the moments that matter, we will lose the true payment of all our hard work.
Celebrating is not just for ourselves alone. Share the journey with your family so that they feel like they are part of it. If you have closed a big job this week, take a moment to break and do something fun with your spouse or children – a night out in your favorite restaurant, a weekend growth or a movie night.
After all, if you are building a life from which you can't expect to be saved or just have to spend time with real quality with your family during the holidays, something is definitely turned off. I always encourage my customers to imagine such a life so fulfilled and integrated that they do not need to think about getting rest time. Of course, the journey is great, but the real key is to create the daily joy that makes your life at home as rewarding as any exotic destination or any dream agreement.
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Finding meaning beyond success
Entrepreneurship is extraordinary. We need to innovate, solve problemsDream the big borders and push. But if we give the attention of the people we love and abandon our family and friends, what is the goal? The Coupleifi we met at Auckland had a brief appearance of retirement adventures, and I am grateful that they at least experienced Hawaii. However, it is angry that ended so quickly.
Do not continue to tread cans down the road, assuming you will enjoy life “later”. You always have the opportunity to start now. Tell those big business goals, but don't push the opportunity to go to adventures while you are healthy and your kids still want to stay with you.