Focus Power – How I Built a Brand of $ 1 million

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A few years ago, I found myself sitting alone in my small office, lighting a pile of unpaid bills, drowning at $ 80,000 debt. My wedding shooting business – something I had spilled my heart – was destroyed. I felt lost, desperate and on the edge of giving up. Day every day was a struggle to keep the lights, both literally and metaphorical. It was during one of those dark, anxious nights, moving through business books in search of hope I stuck FOCUS by Al Ries.

That book didn't inspire me alone, it shocked me to my core. He taught me that success does not come from trying to be everything for all years from narrowing your focus, finding your niches and going it all. Soon for today, I run a flowering business with seven figures that serves over 85 exclusivity brands. This is not just a cloth story to have-is proof that when you focus, you do not survive alone, you bloom.

If you are afraid to narrow your focus, here are some lessons and tips that can simply change your business trajectory.

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Look the part to play the part

If you want to sell big fish, you should look like you belong to their pond. In 2020, just three weeks before International Franchise Association (IFA) Convention in Florida, I put $ 5,000 on my credit card to secure a stand. Great danger? Absolutely. But we all entered – with a price wheel offering free, bar shots and a rifle for a free marketing video. Our cabin? Wrinkled. But instead of stressing, I joked, “Hey, we know the video, we don't know how to iron.”

This originality landed us with neighboring, fast and ADP signs. We didn't just have a stand, we gave an experience and a reason for people to come to the stand. The ridiculous thing? Free hug Was the thing that people were more excited. Lesson? It is not about perfection. It is about showing, taking risks and maintaining your space.

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Embrace the power of the narrow concentration

Ries introduces “shrinkage law”: a brand becomes stronger when you narrow its focus. We were reprinted, got an email specific e -mail for exclusivity, and even created a screaming logo, “We are the people of video franchise.” The logo is And I created it with two people by raising a movie wrapping. I believe that our stories raise the world of exclusivity in ways that change and inspire the world. We also spent $ 2,000 on a domain to make sure we were really busy.

Throughout this, the hardest part was to say not up to $ 100,000 Saas clients. It hurts. But that's how you know you're doing it well. As Ries says, “to get into the consumer's mind, you have to sacrifice.” If you are sitting on the fence, you are not all. Toss up. Perform the market will reward your clarity. It won't work in just one month or year – go all for three years or don't do it all.

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Be where customers are

Over 75% of our major agreements came from events within persons. Commercial shows. Conference. Network meetings. You can't grow your business from behind a screen. I get it – the journey is expensive and the booths are costly. But nothing beats face to face RELATED. Yeardo year we spend about $ 100,000 going to exclusivity shows – sometimes more than other brands that have been longer in space. But I know that this is the thing that will push us to achieve 3 years and 15 years of goals. That handshake? It spontaneous laughter over coffee? It builds confidence faster than any zoom calls ever.

So go out there. Be where your customers are. ROI will speak for itself. If you go, consider giving an experience or making them laugh. Our secret? Cologne and a free marketing video to win in the stand!

Acting reflections for businesses they consider to be sitting:

  • Appreciate your main points: What does it better than anyone else? Focus on it.

  • Reinforcement on purpose: New logo, new domain, new messages. Make it specific warm.

  • Display personally: Invest in the event where your ideal customers gather. It is worth every penny.

  • Sacrifice for clarity: To say no to the wrong clients makes room for the right ones.

  • Consistency is essential: Continue to appear, even when it is difficult. Especially when it is difficult.

Embracing a concentrated approach, as protected by Al Ries, can lead to extraordinary transformations into your business trajectory. By narrowing your focus and paying efforts for a specific niche, you position your company for sustainable success and industry leadership.

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