Average US salary per 30-year-old: How do you compare yours?

A six -digit salary It may have been a sign of financial success for American workers in the past, but that money does not go so far from these days. within Expensive cities Like San Francisco and New York, $ 100,000 a year after taxes and living cost adjustments amounts to about $ 36,000 a year, according to a study by Financial Technology Company Smartasset.

Many US employees want to be positioned for an annual wage clash, even if that means finding a new job. More than three in five employees received a salary increase in 12 months since October 2023, including 12% who found a better, 41% job that gained an increase in their current work and 8% which they both found, for a wangle POLLS

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What does an annual “comfortable” salary In the SH.BA do they actually look? Although it may vary significantly depending on the location of the ear, new workers across the board have some clear expectations, research from the writing platform Edubirdie Found.

After surveying 2,000 generations of the US Z for their customs And attitudes towards money, Edubirdie revealed that 51% of them believe that money is the key to happiness – and that 58% of them can be “comfortable” living with an annual salary between $ 50,000 and $ 100,000.

Despite the notion of Gen Z for what makes a comfortable income, many of them try to hit a lot salary goals as they enter their fourth decade.

At the age of 30, 22% of Zan. They expect to earn $ 100,000 to $ 200,000 a year, and 10% expect to earn $ 200,000 to $ 500,000, according to the research. Another 7% predicts to make at least $ 500,000 a year at 30.

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“Despite many (41%) still rely on their parents (for money), this generation is without a doubt ambitious,” says Averry Morgan, the leading human resource official in Edubirdie. “Our report shows that they are not counting on a golden parachute like to marry wealth or heredity. Instead, 17% believe that they will earn $ 200,000 at the age of 30 – a bold goal that requires strategic career movements, continuous learning and a little luck. “

However, most US employees in their thirties do not win six -digit salary. The US average salary in 2023 was approximately $ 65,000, for lens Data, but comparison of average wages – the middle number in a salary list – can paint a more accurate view, Nerdwallet Notes.

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US workers aged 25 to 34 years old saw the average annual income of $ 57,356 in Q2 2024, and those aged 35 to 44 saw the average annual income of $ 64,844 over the same period, according to Nerdwallet data.

These figures are far from Gen Z Gen Z or $ 200,000 annual income of annual income up to the age of 30. However new employee Commit to improving their personal finances can take some key steps to decide themselves for success.

Although Edubirdie's survey revealed that 61% of Gen Z believe gROW Over time. Nearly half of General Z and millennia also have hurry to meet their income 9-5.

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