CAPTRUST WINS 1.4B $ Charlotte Ria

CAPTRUST financial advisers, Raleigh, registered registered advisor to NC based exceeded $ 1 trillion in total customer assetsHe has won Carolinas Investment Consulting, a financial investment and financial planning firm with over $ 1.4 billion.

CIC was founded in 2001 by George Edmiston in Charlotte, nc firm since then has grown in a team of 20 people serving customers in over 30 countries. This includes families, funds, pension plans and corporations. The firm also runs its mediator/trader, which he will close. CAPTRUST expects to transfer those accounts to his broker/dealer with regulatory approval.

The firm will take over the CAPTRUST brand and represent the second location of RIA Charlotte.

“George and I have been friends and competitors for over 20 years,” said Fielding Miller, co -founder and CEO of CAPTRUST, in a statement. “CIC has had a clean reputation in Carolinas which will immediately improve our market opportunities and exalt our brand.”

With addition, CAPTRUST now has 96 offices in total across the country.

This follows the news in January that Captain The asset Covenant GroupA Houston -based firm with three employees and $ 300 million in customer assets.

CAPTRUST is facing a legal battle; This week, a Investor of Pennsylvania filed lawsuits against Ria for the alleged failures of a firm that won. She claims Ria should have realized earlier that she would have been deceived by more than $ 360,000 of retirement savings.

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Last summer, Captrust announced that it had exceeded $ 1 trillion in total assets under management and counseling, a great milestone for the independent RIA channel.

CAPTRUST started an aggressive purchase strategy in 2006 and Since then has ended about 75 deals. Three years ago, the firm announced that it sold a 25% of the stock to the GTCR private capital firm – based on a $ 1.25 billion rating. Last fall, CAPTRUST sold a minority of shares to Carlyle.

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