Are we living in the golden age of day trading?

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It is common for people to mourn that the past was the “golden age” for one thing or another, and how our current times have gone to dogs. This can sometimes be true, though for day tradeI am very sure that the past and the future cannot match the opportunities we have now.

Not too long ago, it was literally impossible for individuals in the day trade. Before 1971, you had to be physically present on the floor of a shares for trade securities. The Insurance and Exchange Commission eliminated fixed brokerage commissions several years later, reducing trading costs.

Things finally became more practical in the 1990s, when personal computers became more sophisticated, and Internet became a housewife. Still, it took some time before Broadband did not cost an asset. For example, a megabit of data in 2000 cost $ 28, and by 2020, it had fallen to 64 cents.

As a practical issue, only a few years have passed since the amazing tools we have today while day traders were even invented. Table systems have become very sophisticated and personalized, so I can see JUST time intervals and reports I wish for many real -time shares. Just as important, I can learn to trade with a realistic Day trading simulator And I build my skills as long as it is necessary until I prove that I will not be a mortal risk to my bank account. Oh, and as I wrote in a The last itemI can carry this computing power with me to a backpack and trade while traveling everywhere.

Gets better. In the old days, only the richest people had access to fresh information. Andrew Carnegie, who at one point was the richest person on Earth, began his career as a telegraph clerk. He worked for people in Pittsburgh who used a telegraph line going to New York so that they could get information and trade in goods before newspapers were printed and surrendered. Now, we are in a world where governments will also issue official statements on social media, and the company's news arrives at the same time for all those who love it.

Minimum account sizes have fallen, so I can trade daily with a US $ 25,000 account. If I want to trade in the US through an abroad account, the minimum can be as low as $ 500.

This brings us to the present. Don't wrong me: I'm not saying it Daily trading now is easy. On the contrary, I have done more than 20,000 trade in my career and I am sorry to say that I was regularly humbled from this profession. Markets are reset every day, and for some reason they don't care at least they are dealing with Ross Cameron, a professional dealer of the day.

If it is a great time to trade today, you can ask yourself reasonably: If the daily trading is so good, why didn't they notice Warren Buffett and Wall Street? Why haven't they hit the controls for several billion dollars so they can dominate the entire market?

Fair question. The answer is that we are very small. If there is a curse to become very successful, it is that you must forever shoot elephants. When you manage the money measured in 12 or 13 digits, you need to focus on large spectacular options in order to move the return needle at all.

Now consider the typical trading transaction of the day. I can quickly buy and sell shares worth several hundred thousand dollars or maybe a million. But if I try to invest much more than that, prices will move, and my quick opportunity will be lost.

This means that, for now, the daily trading flies under the radar of big dogs. But will it stand?

I think no. Consider what is happening to him. Just a few years ago, he was some experiments placed in laboratories, treated by researchers in white coats. No, w is everywhere. It does not pass a day when he does not offer to summarize our emails, write reports for us, answer our questions, and even make our photos look like we want. Some systems in the US spend about $ 100m to “train” their models, and now China Depth He claims he can train his model for $ 6 million. Competition is reducing the cost of even this artificial intelligence of the Hereafter.

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I have entered the training of he's systems to do daily trade, and so far, they are not about the task. Like fully autonomous self-driving machines, we still have to grab the wheel sometimes to avoid a disaster. But it is quite clear where things are directed.

Later, or maybe sooner, those systems will be enough to remember any single rule they can throw in them, and they will suggest new ones. This means that the comfortable small niche we call daily trade can be moved to the chairs of traders who have reduced their costs so that they can now focus on ankle animals.

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Many people are Making the bold predictions of himBut of course, no one knows when the other big border will be crucified. If my children decide to follow in my footsteps, the chances are that they will not have to remember all the rules I have in my head when I appreciate a great trading opportunity. They will have some other challenging tasks, how to decide which models he mixes to optimize their possessions on the Mars scholarship.

Fortunately, I don't have to worry about those high issues. If you are so inclined, I suggest that you and I take advantage of this current opportunity in daily trading, become as good as we can in it, and make hay while the sun is still out.

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