Since Thursday, Meta has ceased about 20 employees for the shedding of “confidential information” in the press and other parties outside Meta.
“We have recently conducted an investigation that turned out that about 20 employees will end up sharing confidential information outside the company, and we expect more,” Meta spokesman Dave Arnold said The Verge. “We take this seriously and will continue to take action when identifying leaks.”
Arnold said that when employees join meta, they have become aware of the strict policy of the No-Leaks company, which prohibits staff from disclosing internal information.
Meta was hit in the leak after Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg held a comprehensive meeting last month-and a registration was discovered multiple exit almost immediately. The same day, eve It also received an internal memorandum sent to staff by Meta Information Security Officer Guy Rosen warning them against the sharing of confidential information.
During a Q&A company earlier this month, Meta Cto Andrew Bosworth pointed out the “extraordinary number of leaks” from within the company and warned employees that Meta was “advancing to people's capture”. A meeting of the meeting It has also come out in the press.
Meta performed performance -based holidays on February 10 being affected 5% of its 72,000 persons Labor force or about 3,600 employees who were not meeting standards. The cuttings surprised some affected workers who said they had a The dirty “rigid” record of performance in the company.
Meta also recently made comprehensive changes to How moderate content On Facebook, Instagram and themes with the decision to issue community notes, a system that enables users to flag the fraudulent content and write explanations by quoting their resources. The new system replaces the independent control of the facts that Meta had in place for eight years.