Scaling your business? You may not want to hire more people immediately – here's why.

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Within the beginning, especially the beginnings of technology, there is time that there is this idea that if you are not By growing up quicklyIt's falling behind. Growth has always implied employment of more people as soon as possible. But today, I see things a little different. The scaling of a company does not have to mean adding more people to the salary list. A small, tight team can reach just as much, if no more than a big one if you are awake about how you run things.

When I started my most recent company, BreadWe wanted to build something influential without being fooled by the typical growing pain that comes with rapid employment. The big question we continued to ask ourselves was: How to use as much as possible from a small team?

What we found is that The lean attitude It can actually be a great advantage.

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Why is the bigger not always better

Many startups are captured by the idea that more people are equal to more success. But I have seen in the first hand how quickly it can be fiery. The more people you have, the harder it becomes communicate effectivelyAnd decision making begins to slow down. Before you know, you have layers of management and it is much harder to keep everyone in the same page.

In my experience, keeping the small team has allowed us to stay focused. We can make decisions faster, change the direction when we need to and stay close to work that really matters. We are not trying to build a massive organization – we are trying to build something that works well and do what we are thought to do.

The benefits of keeping her small

There are many tops to climb with a small team:

  • Quickly on your feet: With fewer people involved, you can run quickly if something is not working or if a new opportunity appears. If you run your company in short cycles – about Six weeks – You are always able to make adjustments without getting stuck in weeds.
  • Communication flows easily: Without a ton of management layers, it is easier to make sure everyone knows what is happening. When your team is all on the same page, it makes everything you make more effective.
  • Creativity blooms: When you are part of a small team, you often finish wearing multiple hats, which can lead to some very creative solutions. Focus on hiring people who are comfortable changing between tasks – whether it is coding, design or strategic thinking.
  • Less: Automate your routine tasks So you can focus on things that really matter, and so you don't need a big administrator team to keep the wheels return.

It may seem counterintuitive, but after all, having fewer people can allow you to achieve more.

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How to make a big impact with a small team

So how does it do Go a company without blowing up your head calculation? One of the main strategies my team employed automation. By building our tools to handle tasks like reporting and forecasting, we have significantly reduced the time spent for administrative work, allowing us to focus on the greatest appearance.

Approval of low -code and code -free platforms is also becoming increasingly popular. Coding automation tools like these allow small teams to build and place too fast applications without having to hire more engineers.

Making a big impact with a small team requires skills on getting to work. When I am in a state of employment, I do not only seek people who are good in one thing; I look for individuals who can think strategically but are not afraid to roll their sleeves and dive into work. It is important to have team members who are satisfied with both thinking with big pictures and sharp details.

My co -founders and I have also learned to be selective about the projects we take over. With a small team, it is impossible to do everything, so we focus on initiatives that match our strengths and goals.

Small teams, big results

There are many examples there of small teams that do big things. WhatsApp, for example, had only 55 employees when Facebook bought it for $ 19 billion. Or take Basinwhich has kept his team in about 60 people while serving millions of users. You do not need a massive workforce to make a great impact.

For me, the approach of the small team is not about the little attitude for her sake. It is about staying lean and focused, so we can do our best work without getting into unnecessary complexity. I have discovered that when you have a small, dedicated team that works well together, you can achieve much more than you might think.

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The little team trend

After rapid employment and Subsequent workforce discounts Since many technology companies have experienced in the last four years, I think more leaders are realizing that you do not need a great team to succeed. It has nothing to do with how many people you have; It is how effective those people are. And in many cases, keeping it small can be the smartest way to grow.

As an early entrepreneur, don't get too caught up in the idea that growth means hiring more people. Focus on building a team that works well together, stays flexible and does things. After all, it's not about the size of your team – it's about what that team can achieve.

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