The Director General of the Financial Planning Association Patrick Mahoney died Saturday after a “long and bold battle with cancer”, the Trade Association announced today. He was 62 years old.
Mahoney had been Head named in 2020 And he helped revitalize an organization that was “faced with internal and external challenges”, according to a statement by FPA President Paul Brahim.
“During his nearly five years with FPA, Patrick worked diligently to reform and reshape our association,” Brahim wrote in a post on the FPA website. “He focused significantly on internal structure and financial stability while nourishing our relationship with the main stakeholders. He seized every opportunity to applaud the work of our members, both publicly and privately, constantly defending the value and importance of our profession. “
FPA's main operating officer, Dennis Moore will serve as a temporary general manager while the Board establishes an Executive Research Committee to find a full -time replacement.
Denver -based Moore is a financial planner who had previously been the main operating official for the Quest Capital Management Inc., who was Purchased by Mercer Advisors in 2021. He also served on the FPA board for six years.
Mahoney told the Board about his diagnosis of cancer in 2022 and then gave subsequent updates on his progress, according to the announcement. During that time, he also worked with FPA to establish a success plan in the country that includes the appointment of Moore as a temporary CEO while a search has been undertaken for a full -time CEO.
Mahoney was born in Philadelphia and graduated from the University of St. Joseph in 1984. His career included roles in sales and marketing before finally joining Standard & Poor's, where he held various top leadership roles before joining FPA .
“Patrick was a deeply thoughtful and future executive,” Brahmin said. “In his efforts to revitalize the association, he prepared it for the next 25 years by working closely with the board to develop a strong strategic plan that positions the FPA as the main membership organization and the Association of Trade for Financial Planners, with the goal of 'Eleting the profession that transforms life through the power of financial planning.
To honor his memory, his family Recommends gifts to support Melanoma search fund at Mass General Hospital.