Balance of work and life is a lie – here are 4 ways you can invest completely in both

Opinions expressed by entrepreneurial contributors are their own.

Many entrepreneurs try to deceive everything right away – both at work and at home – and this ends up preventing them in both areas. When you are working, you feel guilty that you are not with your family, but when you are with the family, all you can think is all the work to be done. I really do not believe in “balance” as a concept of real life.

Cliché that equilibrium It's a perfect 50% career saw and 50% of the family is a myth. Life does not work like that. Invest completely in both. When you are with your spouse or children, Pay your full attention. When you are working, zero your customers and give your best. Never let one world bleed to another so much that you are physically present but mentally controlled.

Stop believing that “balance” means counting and comparing hours. Be completely present with your family at dinner, not face down, staring at your phone. Work and life will always attract your attention. Accept this withdrawal and then block the non -negotiable time of the family in the same way that you plan your important business meetings. Put it on the calendar and then store it.

Related: Work-life balance is easier to achieve than you think

1. Stop doing everything right away

Entrepreneurs are prone to do it all. We wear every hat from sales, finances, marketing and human resources to operations … because we believe that if it is, it depends on me! But this mindset “do all” reaches the ceiling quickly. Whenever you are kneeling on your long list of tasks, you are spending hours that could have been spent on strategic motion that actually push your business forward. This is the same at home. You can't be everything for everyone right away. You have to “give up to go up”. It means employment, by delegating or contracting what is not your genius area.

This can be as simple as hiring an executive assistant to help you handle the tasks of the administrator and manage your email box or an accountant or office manager to prevent you from facing midnight tables. At home, hire a nanny when you want to get your spouse at a meeting. Start by identifying three things – both at work and at home – you can hand over to someone else to make more room for your most important work.

Related: How to say 'no' to others

2. Slow down and spend your time wisely

You will never be effective when you are constantly confused. Decide when the day of work ends. I finish my latest job -related calls and close my laptop at 6pm, not to reopen until the kids are in bed after 9pm.

At home, configure areas where the equipment is out of bounds, such as at the dinner table or during the bedroom of children. Block a few hours on weekends for outdoor activities or family film nights. When you are finished with the job, break up completely so you can recharge. I personally like to play basketball or spend time doing bodyboard and surfing in the ocean. These activities allow me to lose track of time and really disconnect from technology and work.

As your children grow up, you will notice how fast the years go by. As a father of five, I'm talking from experience. They will never go out and say, “Dad, thank you for spending more time on those emails at night.” They will remember road trips, barbecue and weekend, those games where they saw them cheering. Slow down and be intentional. These moments are rewarded with yeast. It has become normal for entrepreneurs to switch our victories rapidly. Close a big deal, finalize a partnership, make a new big investment or hire, and before we understand it, we are on the other big goal. But this constant move forward without reflection and recharge leads to FIRE.

3. Celebrate victories with your family

As a “type A achievers”, we often achieve one goal and then we quickly aim for the next big thing, with a pause between victory and the next tracking. This is the reality for most entrepreneurs; It is part of our DNA to keep moving forward and striving for more. I was told that I have to get it easy and “do less”, but this is a difficult advice because I want to leave no unused potential.

Instead of always running at the wheel of the rodent, force yourself to hit “pause” from time to time. Get your partner at that new restaurant you wanted to try. Reserve a weekend away where you leave your laptop at home and the cellphone quietly. Maybe just sit down with a pen in hand and write everything you have learned and achieved over the past year. Those quiet moments of reflection give you time to breathe and take a little breath.

And here is the best part: when you Celebrate and reflect With your loved ones, you let them also experience your victories. Sharing your victories with the people you love truly accepts their support and contribution and that they are an important part of your journey.

4. Invest completely in whatever you do

I have met many business owners who could buy almost anything they wanted, but they have broken marriages and have no relationship with their children. Their family life is a later opinion – what they planned to return to “one day” after their agreements and business had reached an arbitrary level.

For me, this does not mean success. To earn a tone of money at the expense of your family relationship (and/or health) is not the way to go. It is not easy to win in business and at home, but it is completely possible. It will take by sacrificing some of the hobbies And vices that lose a lot of time, but it's worth it.

My family life is not perfect, but we have strong relationships and a story of family traditions that mean a lot to us. It has been said many times that “no success can compensate for home failure”. And I will forever try to lead people with high achievements to prioritize their family and their success in business at the same time.

A strong family life will help you succeed in your business career and if you put things in the foreground, you will be in a better position to create the life of your dreams. And that applies more than any salary or appreciation you can ever earn.

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