All advisors, whether they are happy where they are, considering a move or are in the process of doing so, would be wise to agree on questions like:
- How much is my book worth?
- How portable is my book?
- How will this firm help me increase the bottom line of my business venture?
Maximizing value is typically the goal of any advisor, whether they're considering a move or not—and the reality is that moving isn't, and shouldn't be, a precursor to focusing on optimizing the value of your enterprise.
So what should a counselor think about who may not be thinking about change?
In this special Industry Update, Jason Diamond and Louis Diamond talk about the key components of an advisor's business that affect enterprise value.
Listen to learn:
- Economics – and how an advisor can determine the maximum enterprise value of their career (or MaxCEV as we call it).
- Setting up the business for success – including the logistical and operational practices you need to review on an ongoing basis.
- Looking at the short and long term – and how each requires different strategies and tactics.
Plus, they share real-world examples of the factors that make a business more “attractive” and how that affects value and strategic shifts for advisors who may never make a move but are determined to maximize the value of their venture. their career.