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Do complex and novel ideas excite you more than simple and straightforward ones? Are your living and work spaces clean and organized? Does the idea of networking or promoting yourself to strangers seem too daunting?
These are just some of the questions you will face on the Myers-Briggs personality test. Spend 30 minutes and you'll fit into one of 16 personality categories, identified by four letters. These letters describe yours Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type.giving you insight into how you see the world, make choices and relate to others.
Now, you've probably heard of this test. If not, you may have come across other popular ones like the Profile Caliper or The Enneagram. According to Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a professor of psychology and author of the book I, the Manpersonality testing is one 2 billion dollar industry and still growing.
These tests are not just for fun anymore. They are appearing in the workplace, helping companies better understand their employees. They're all about understanding who's in the office, what makes them tick, and how to bring out the best in them.
But are personality tests a good solution for understanding and optimizing workplace dynamics? But do these tests really regulate workplace dynamics? Do they capture the full spectrum of human behavior, or ever miss the mark? Let's explore.
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Benefits of using personality tests at work
Deloitte reports that about 80% of Fortune 500 companies are using personality tests to better understand their employees. But why widespread adoption? If these tests were completely unethical, would so many leading companies be on board? Clearly, there is something valuable driving this trend, so let's talk about some of the benefits that personality testing can bring:
- Insights: Personality tests, especially well-researched ones, are not just fancy questionnaires. They are like mirrors, reflecting who we are and shining a light on our teammates' quirks, too. Understanding yourself and others can do wonders when it comes to working well with others and breaking down team conflicts.
- Champion diversity: Let's ditch the cookie cutter teams, shall we? Personality tests help us see beyond resumes and job titles, celebrating the diverse amount of talent and perspectives within your team. Because let's face it, a team of clones is boring. But a team with a range of different skills and backgrounds? Now, this is where innovation thrives.
- Handling tension in the team: No one wants to have conflicts in the workplace. If you're finding that workplace drama is as common as Monday morning coffee, then personality tests may be for you. Understanding how people think and feel can solve problems in the first place, paving the way for a workplace where conflict takes second place and productivity wins.
Limitations of using personality tests at work
If you're anything like me, then you've done some of these tests more than once. I found that the results varied slightly each time I took the test, and it's likely the same for you. This is because your personality can absolutely change. In fact, lead researcher and psychologist Sanjay Srivastava, who published her findings in APA, found that personality is fluid and may develop over time.
Now, where does it become a problem for employers? Well, if you're an employer who relies heavily on these personality tests to make hiring decisions or manage your team, and those results turn out not to be as consistent or accurate as you thought, that could lead to some inconsistencies. serious. You may hire someone based on a personality type that no longer reflects who they are. Or worse, you can divide employees into roles or teams that really don't fit their evolving personalities.
Then there is the risk of stereotyping. Personality tests often categorize people into neat little boxes, and people are anything but. We are extremely complex creatures with layers upon layers of traits and behaviors. Relying too much on these tests can lead to oversimplification and unfair judgment. The result may be that you are turning away great people because a test has stereotyped them.
Finally, there is the issue of social desirability bias which may make the results inaccurate. If you're not sure what this is, it's basically when someone will consciously or unconsciously answer questions in a way that they believe will cast them in a favorable light. For example, if you're taking a test for a role that you know needs someone to be organized, reliable, and likeable, you probably won't answer the questions in a way that makes you appear disorganized or disorganized. unpleasant. This can skew the results of personality tests, painting a rosier (or bleaker) picture than reality.
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Best practices for the ethical use of personality tests
Now you know the benefits and pitfalls of using personality tests in your company. If you're still really interested in implementing them, here's how you can do it ethically:
Do not use personality tests beforehand
Before making any hiring decisions, avoid using personality tests as the be-all and end-all. Sure, they provide some insight, but they're not the whole picture. Instead, use a combination of evaluation methodsincluding interviews, work samples and reference checks, to assess candidates' suitability for the role.
Know your team as more than their traits
To avoid any bias or stereotyping that can occur with these personality tests, you need to understand that your team is more than just a set of traits on a test. They are real people with unique experiences and talents. For example, if you find that someone is scoring too much to be more introversion, this does not necessarily mean that they will be bad at public speaking. If someone's results show that they are extremely detail oriented, they may overlook things sometimes and make those little mistakes. It is important to approach the personality test results with an open mind and consider them as just one aspect of each team member's overall skills and potential.
Evaluate their effectiveness regularly
Like anything else, it's good to take personality tests for a checkup every once in a while. Are they helping your team thrive, or are they causing more headaches than they're worth? Keep an eye on their effectiveness and don't be afraid to stop using them altogether if you find that the latter is happening more often.
Connected: Understanding your personality type can make you a more successful entrepreneur. Here's how.
Personality tests should be a tool, not a solution
Personality tests can be really great for providing insight into the minds, behaviors and preferences of your employees. You can use them to enrich learning and development and improve relationships in the workplace. But as useful as they are, these tests are only a small part of the complete performance management process.
While employee personality fits are very important, there is much more to building a company where everyone can improve and thrive. Test scores alone are not good enough to understand whether or not a person will be a good fit for your company.
So let's look at personality tests for what they are: valuable tools, but not the final solution. Using them judiciously along with other methods and strategies, we help to support the success and growth of your teams.