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More than 2.4 million college graduates are poised to enter the workforce this year, but many report feeling woefully underprepared. Here's what employers can do about it.
According to one last poll of more than 2,000 American workers conducted by my company, nearly two-thirds of Gen Z workers under the age of 24 are dissatisfied with the way their school or college prepared them for employment. A study by the American Staffing Association found that 70% of Gen Z employees view professional development and training offerings as important considerations when considering a new job.
And according to the Harvard Business Review, an identical 70% of employees say that lack of mastery of skills needed to do their jobs – highlighting the critical need for organizations to implement more effective training. So how can organizations enhance their training and development to help new hires The workers of General Z assimilate? Here are five ideas to consider.
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Create a dedicated learning and development program
Starting a career is a big step for all graduates, whether from high school or college. They have been in learning mode, building skills since childhood. Keep up the good work! Employers can use that reflex here to learn about programs to help new graduates succeed on the job. Organizations need to include not only hard skills like office suite training, but soft skills like meeting behavior (and it's never too early to train for leadership).
Whenever possible, organizations should make scalable and personalized learning a reality—giving managers the ability to quickly and easily create and deploy short-form, “saturated” learning courses. tailored to individual needs building a strong bench of potential future leaders. This training will be invaluable in keeping employees happy. Ultimately, according to Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS)3 million to 4.5 million workers quit their jobs.
Pair a friend
Determining a seasoned colleague nearby can do boarding the most successful young talents. A friend can answer questions a new hire might not want to ask a supervisor or senior manager, shed light on corporate culture, and steer new employees away from critical mistakes on the job. The buddy system also limits potential unnecessary exposure to busy managers. Giving a new employee an indispensable resource, closer to experience and age, who knows how to assimilate quickly can make all the difference. It also goes a long way towards building one welcoming culturethat new graduates will be looking for.
Appoint a senior mentor
While a friend can help a new employee answer some questions and generally point them in the right direction, they can't take the place of a dedicated, top-notch employee. mentor to solve problems and help chart the right path to success. Good mentors will look out for new employees and show them strategies for success, such as adding skills to do their jobs better and help advance or navigate a corporate ladder. A mentor will also check in periodically to ensure that the new employee is doing well at the company.
Create a 90-day feedback session
The new grades are used for consistent feedback from teachers and professors. When absent in the workplace, it can make them feel insecure about themselves. A business is not a university, but that doesn't mean a company can't create opportunities to guide and secure new employees. Feedback should always be constructive and help them prepare for more formal reviews. Initial feedback within three months of hire will provide newcomers with the opportunity to course-correct before their first official performance review – when the stakes are higher.
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Create opportunities to fit into the company culture
In a hybrid or even completely remote world of work, there may be fewer informal opportunities for new employees to assimilate. When one works from home, that means fewer impromptu water cooler conversations, so new additions that way can feel isolated. However, an employer can make engineers opportunities to build culture, including monthly live corporate updates, virtual lunches, one-on-one meetings or company-wide strategy sessions. Inviting hybrid and remote workers to such events will go a long way toward building a cohesive culture when office time is scarce or non-existent.
Onboarding new graduates doesn't have to be overwhelming for a busy organization. At my company, CYPHER Learning, we have implemented many of these suggestions. We are a completely remote organization, but we bring employees together on a regular basis, ensure they have mentors and provide continuous feedback. We have created corporate calls to share good news and provide training on our latest products. We ask managers to keep in touch with new employees to make sure they feel valued.
It's not too hard a book to take a page from—and doing so can pay huge dividends in employee productivity and innovation, team cohesion, and long-term retention. With a little planning, organizations can help new graduates seamlessly enter the workforce and thrive as confident and successful young employees.