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Like a precocious but uncontrollable student, AI is stirring up shockwaves of controversy wherever it goes, regardless of industry, field or application. This is especially true when it is applied in education, where the stakes are much higher given the fundamental way we all relate to the subject. Whether it's our education, that of our employees and children or the educational standards we choose for the community at large, we all have high standards for teachers, educators and the curriculum they use – and there's no doubt that AI is a huge disruptor in this area.
The emergence of AI and its impact on the education system must be proactively managed. Educators themselves recognize that some elements of the system we've all built together and the best practices that come with it are often outdated and anachronistic, and there's no better tool than AI when it comes to changing and improving these best practices. In many ways, that's exactly what it was designed to do.
However, to succeed, we all need to have one open minded when it comes to AI capabilities, potential and potential pitfalls. And an open mind happens to be one of the fundamental principles of great education, doesn't it? it MUST be seen as a useful tool to improve the education system at all levels and it should be used judiciously and responsibly to get the best results, so let's look at one of the most important keys to doing this – recognition of AI.
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We all have a personal educational technology journey
The most common thread that unites almost all of us in our journey through the education system is that we all have technological touchstones. To illustrate, I'll use my personal EdTech journey, which was unusual, to say the least.
I grew up in the USSR, so my education was seriously different. Believe it or not, not only were calculators not allowed, but we actually were HAD to use an abacus. No other choice was suggested or given; the methodology was strictly monochromatic.
Technologically speaking, there are some useful parallels in the US. In America, educators and parents were horrified when Texas Instruments first introduced powerful calculators to the general public in the early 1970s.
These concerns turned out to be unfounded, of course. Calculators became incredibly useful tools that allowed gifted students to advance to high-level math skills at a much faster rate, and this speed probably helped usher in the era of the personal computer—which was just as scary at first.
However, once educators and parents began to see PCs as potentially powerful learning tools, they quickly got over their fears and computers became commonplace. The same fear occurred when tablets and smartphones entered classrooms, and is now a large part of the initial reaction to today's AI.
Many of these fears are unfounded, although there are many other concerns about critical thinking, ethics and many other topics that are definitely true.
Here are some examples to illustrate some of those unfounded fears.
Using AI to foster critical thinking and creativity in education
It is easy to TALK about using AI to foster critical thinking and creativity in the learning process, but the conversation is just that, so let's go with some simple hypothetical examples that show how teachers can foster independent thinking and problem solving skills.
Start with a simple essay. The fact that students can use it easily AI to write essays has caused all kinds of hand wringing because it allows them to “cheat”. STUDENTS WILL find a way to use AI to do that, but that's a word loaded with all kinds of negative implications, so let's reverse the concept.
What if students were presented with an AI-generated essay and then asked to take it apart and improve it, or write a slightly different version where they choose a different point of view or point of view? Suddenly, using AI becomes an exercise in critical thinking, which it is JUST what education is supposed to be about.
Now let's get back to the math side of the AI equation. For this example, we'll go with basic geometry, which requires spatial skills that include visualization, image manipulation, and the ability to solve problems in three dimensions.
AI happens to be a great tool to help with this process. It can help students as they generate, understand, and manipulate 3D images, and AI can also help them solve geometry and physics problems as students are taught how to ask questions and leverage technology effectively. This is a basic skill that becomes even more vital as advanced concepts are introduced, and like that old IT calculator, it can help speed up the learning process exponentially.
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Critical thinking, complexity and AI literacy as a foundational skill
To some extent, these two examples oversimplify the complexity that comes in part with using AI as a critical thinking tool in the educational process at multiple levels, from high school to professional development for senior executives. Using AI is inherently a multi-faceted exercise – it makes mistakes and often comes with them SUPERSTITION and limitations—just like people. How people interact with AI tools and critically evaluate the results they produce is quickly becoming one of today's most important skills.
How should we get better at AI and be more accepting of the results it produces? The process starts with seeing AI literacy as a fundamental skill that needs to be learned and that learning requires curiosity, ELIGIBILITY and a relentless approach to improvement.
It also requires educators, teachers and students to fully recognize the disruptive power of AI. Sudden change is usually not easy, and this is especially true with AI. In many ways, we're all on the same page when it comes to learning about AI literacy as an essential skill.
Preparing for the age of AI also means many, fundamental changes in our present education system as we know it, and the complexity that comes with these changes will not be a comfortable process for many of us.
The payoff, however, is potentially huge. Teaching and implementing AI literacy at all levels can make the learning process exponentially more efficient and powerful, regardless of what is taught and what the learning goals are. The knowledge of artificial intelligence is the first step to provide education personalized to the needs of individuals, based on their strengths and weaknesses. This type of personalized learning experience will also increase the level of engagement and motivation exponentially.
AI literacy requires cooperation and collaboration to improve education
I often teach AI Literacy Workshops and deliver AI keynote presentations to organizational leaders across multiple industries in multiple environments, and one of the concepts I usually emphasize most is the need for collaboration and cooperation. In educational applications of AI, this means that all of us, from corporate executives to educators and parents, must understand that AI will free up our time and dramatically increase our productivity, not just add layers of complexity that require more resources and constant attention.
Developing a strategy and delivering impactful AI literacy education is the first step most organizations need to take now. Almost all of us need this skill now to adapt, learn and grow and we must prepare for the opportunities and challenges that come with an AI-enabled future. The urgency of this need cannot be overstated and the overall message is clear: Act fast to take control of your future and develop AI capabilitiesor risk falling behind those who do.
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