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The debate is over AI generated content shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, when the Writers Guild of America tried to put railings around the role of artificial intelligence in writing the script as part of their 148-day strike last year, seemed to further fuel the unrest, particularly in the marketing and PR spaces. To me, though, the idea that AI will take over promotional writing is akin to when people thought the Kindle would replace books in the early 2000s. It had (and still has) a place in the chorus, but by no means did not replace books; Similarly, I believe AI-generated content will become just one more tool at our disposal in PR, but by no means the only, or even central, tool.
However, the concern is nevertheless, and not only among my colleagues. As the owner of one PR firm, I can't tell you how often AI-generated content has popped up in conversations with potential and existing customers lately. Some are against it. Some are for it. I can honestly say that while I've tested it, I've never met any writing or submission requests using exclusively AI-generated content, and I don't intend to going forward.
Yes, I said what I said. While I can't argue that AI-generated content doesn't have some benefits, I believe it can't really replace the original content in PR and marketing.
1. Time and cost savings versus quality
Supporters of AI-generated content will champion the time and cost savings it offers. In theory, it makes sense, right? Instead of the expense of having writers on staff or contract and the time spent waiting for them to produce headlines, press releases, articles, blogs, etc., you can simply rely on technology to pull existing information from search engines for make it based. on specific keywords, phrases or topics at a time. But what will you pay for lost quality? Way more than you'll save, in my opinion.
There are many quality issues with AI-generated content, but let's just touch on the big ones here. First, if you've been writing and working with human-generated content for as long as I have (ahem, decades), then you can tell the difference in AI-generated content a mile away. It is robotic and lacks warmth and personality Many organizations spend a fortune investing in their brand. Also, did you notice the mention of “pre-existing information” above? That's right, AI-generated content is pulled from multiple sources already published and may unwittingly plagiarism or get close enough to raise flags. With today's lawsuit-happy culture, brands don't need the legal issues or bad publicity that can accompany those issues.
My advice: If you're using AI-generated content, at least have a real person who's an experienced writer (and knows your brand) edit and adjust as needed to stay on message and avoid distractions. plagiarism.
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2. A starting point versus finished content
For some, the prospect of writing anything other than a to-do list causes anxiety, and even veteran writers sometimes have writer's block. AI-generated content can be really helpful here. I've used it myself as a tool to explore ideas and spark creativity. But there's a big difference between using AI as a starting point and considering what it generates as finished content. This is even more true in PR, where a primary goal is to connect and build relationships with your audience.
In my personal and professional life, I have always believed that you get back what you give. If you're an entrepreneur giving it your all to get your business off the ground, but relying on a machine to communicate your story, value and what makes you different, the message is likely to fall flat. Effort must also be present in your content, to resonate; it's as simple as that.
My advice: Let AI help you brainstorm and describe what you want to communicate. Then, take it to an expert who can create engaging, compelling content for your PR and marketing efforts to convince your audience why they need your products or services.
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3. Point recognition versus effective communication
Have we so devalued the power of words that we're okay with sacrificing context and nuance in our communication? Okay, I can describe my texts and emails to my internal team, but they know me and what I'm trying to say.
Can you safely say that about the media, your investors, your customers and your potential customers? Perhaps the better question is: How many brands have had to go into panic mode because a message was miscommunicated or misinterpreted? I'm not saying HE is to blame for this; the only purpose should be to emphasize the words you use, how do you communicate them and the purpose behind them. And AI-generated content can only take you so far in this direction.
AI simply cannot come up with a customer quote that has never been said before. It cannot tell a story that has never been told before. And it certainly cannot articulate passion and depth. You need original, human-generated content from someone who gets your brand.
My advice: Consider what you're trying to say, what you hope to achieve, who you're talking to, and where your message is going. Then, decide the most effective way to communicate that message. Here's a secret to the best content: It looks easy to create (which may be why many people think AI can do it just as well) but trust me, it takes more experience and expertise to necessary to get him to that point than you. can be imagined. This is why good PR and marketing writers are so hard to find and why I hold onto them on my team for dear life. And I believe that having someone on your team or hiring a PR firm with that skill is well worth the cost, given the results you'll achieve.
PR had been around since the beginning of time when rumors began, and cavemen wrote their stories on stone walls. Yes, it has evolved, and while we can all welcome AI as a tool, humans will always be needed to bring those stories to life.