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Burnout is an ever-present, evolving threat when you're a business owner or manager, plain and simple.
While it can affect almost anyone, it is even more common for those who work in an agency or consultancy. The last data found that it is owners and managers who often bear the brunt of stress and anxiety at work.
They are passionate about their business, but the downside is that this can also lead to a lot of added pressure from others and from themselves – not to mention the endless pressure to maintain profitability while keeping customers and staff happy also. no wonder, 28% they feel strongly that they have been burned.
As the CEO and Co-Founder of Teamwork.com and a former consultancy owner, I've learned a lot about what it takes to manage the unique stresses of managing client work.
Here's how you can balance burn out before things reach a boiling point.
1. Be selective about the work you take on
Don't take it on alone any client or project that comes your way. Work with companies that understand your values and do something you're passionate about. While this won't eliminate stress, it makes difficult days much easier to manage. I've seen it too many times to count—clients who don't align with your mission and values require far more effort and resources from you and your team to manage, increasing the risk of burnout.
Start by explaining your company MISSION, what is best for your business and the clients you want to work with. Then, albeit sternly, say no to customers who don't fit the bill. In the long run, staying true to who you are as a consultant and only working on projects and with clients that are a good fit will give your business focus and save you a lot more stress down the road.
Connected: 10 Strategies to Achieve Work-Life Balance
2. Rely on the right tool to take the pressure off profitability
The biggest stressor that keep agency owners and executives up at night are all about profit. Billing and profitability will always be at the forefront of my mind; client work, by its very nature, will be unpredictable and the pillars will be constantly changing. Great software can help you manage these sudden changes and prepare for them.
Even small scope changes can affect what you can or should bill for, your team's capacity, how you resource the project, and your time. The most profitable leaders I work with rely on the right software to get all of this information in one place—one that considers the full customer lifecycle, not just project delivery. Working smarter, not harder, with the right tool will reduce the profit-related pressures that can often lead to burnout.
3. Set boundaries and stick to them
Customers will always be CLIENTS, but that doesn't mean they have to have access to you 24/7 or that you have to be in the weeds on all accounts – that's the key to keeping your peace. Successful consulting owners and managers hire and trust the right people to manage accounts.
If you're a point of contact for customers, it's important to set clear boundaries up front. Share your business hours (add them to your calendar), what they should contact you about, and how best to contact you (text, email, call?). Rationalized COMMUNICATION is critical to day-to-day account management to avoid confusion and unnecessary stress. Customers should have a designated account manager and only have access to the CEO when needed.
Connected: How to set and maintain effective work boundaries as an entrepreneur (and why it's important)
4. Practice clear contracting
Bad contract happens every day. It's at the heart of frustration and inconsistency for consulting owners and managers. The normalization of clear contracting will eliminate many stress in your daily life and make you a more effective leader in the process.
In your communications with colleagues and clients, repeat the “contract” or ask for and agree on future steps, dates and terms. The person or team you contracted should show their work, report on delays, and communicate when it's done. The most efficiently run consultancies I know use a project management tool to capture all of this – to avoid scope creep and help keep both parties accountable.
5. Celebrate successes, welcome failure
As the owner or manager of a consultancy, there will always be periods of uncertainty, successes and failures. While the goal is to see more success than failure, the sooner you realize that this all comes with the territory, the easier it is to manage.
In my current role as CEO, we have our entire organization on board to be comfortable with failure. We created a dedicated chat channel to share lessons learned from jobs that didn't go according to plan. Changing my mindset to see challenges as opportunities for growth has helped me a lot in times of difficulty. Don't overlook victories either – no matter how big or small. Wins help boost morale and boost motivation.
Connected: 10 Strategies to Achieve Work-Life Balance
6. Cultivate a support network
Leading a company can feel isolating at times. Those I have seen thrive rely on the right supporters and surround themselves with a network of them mentors, peers and friends who understand their unique challenges. It's best to get guidance and perspective based on what you do. Even if it's just one person, create a recurring check-in appointment with them and stick to it. Being open about your struggles is a strength as a leader that fosters connection and growth.
Consulting owners and managers often ride a seemingly endless roller coaster with many ups and downs. One minute, you're celebrating a big win on the field; Next, you're having stressful conversations about budgets and deliverables with clients.