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The mentality of the dotcom era of the late 1990s and early 2000s was about hard work, gravel and a willingness to test yourself. It was such an exciting time and it didn't matter what company we worked for; we just wanted to be part of the movement. And that it Was a movement – a period marked by extreme growth and the spirit of the possible. We wore many hats and didn't care about job titles. We learned a great deal of knowledge as we learned and grew on the job.
In recent years, however, I have seen a change in mentality among them newest entries for the workforce—many expect to walk straight into their ideal position from college. This generation is way ahead of us because the technology pioneered in those days has long been embedded in our business practices. Although important, this advantage alone will not set them up for success.
For those building their career, brand or business, marrying the mindset of the dotcom era with today intelligence tools it will take you further and faster than was possible in any previous era. Now is the chance to get organized, invest in yourself and build for the long term.
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Find 'instant' gratification through hard work
The expectation of instant gratification is understandable. Today, you can order something from Amazon and get it the same day. Short form video has replaced the long copy. Everything is fast, fast, fast. But there is a productive way to get that feeling of instant gratification in a business environment. How? Leaning in dot com mentality and setting goals for yourself.
This is exactly what I have done throughout my career. Even if I pushed myself and took on extra projects, I would always set a goal for myself. It could be getting a project to the point where I can present it. Or mining data to show how best to execute the idea. Setting milestones can give you that feeling instant gratification continuously — on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
At some point, as you mark those milestones, you'll also need to articulate your plans to your audience. Often, people take the initiative in the background, so provide context and narrative about what you're doing to bring it to the fore. This is important, whether it's during a one-on-one meeting with your manager or if you're trying to step up to lead a team. If everyone buys into your ideas, you'll gain more satisfaction – and although the feeling may be immediate, it will be built on careful planning and hard work.
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Shape your career through self-investment
Many people from the dot-com era are today's technology leaders. It's the old metaphor for pressure building diamonds – working in roles, experimenting and innovating our characters and careers. But what I've seen lately is people letting their employer shape their destiny. As individuals, we need to take more control over our careers and understand that results will not come immediately.
Expecting a role even before you have it proved worthy her is working backwards. It took me eight to 10 years of doing the job of a CMO before I got the title last year. Instead, give yourself the grace to shape and shape yourself first. Take on additional projects and get involved, even if you are a small fish in a big project. The key is to get your foot in the door. Once you've mastered one skill or responsibility, you can take on the next.
This means being willing to fail, pick yourself up, and then validate the lessons. I've been there, done that. Very rarely do my emotions go up and down these days – because I've managed the most difficult situations as I've grown into the CMO role. I can assure you that going through the trials and tribulations will make you feel very confident when you finally land the role.
Embrace feedback as a gift
While the modern worker may feel empowered by rewards, in the dot-com era, simply being part of the movement was seen as reward enough. Marrying both mindsets comes down to making up your mind to receive feedback as a gift, no matter how it's given.
Being open to feedback it shows that you are humble and want to grow. Eventually, the gift of feedback will come full circle, so you go from receiving it with grace to giving it with grace. Making it clear that you want to learn by actively asking others for feedback will encourage them to provide it and help you improve.
When you switch roles, there is an art to giving feedback. If you read the room correctly, people will begin to see your value and hear your voice. Like you give and receive feedback is the most important factor in bringing back the best elements of the dot-com era: It shows that we're all in this together and you're invested in the success of our shared ideas and goals.
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The future of work today
Recent arrivals in the workforce are not so far removed from the people who proved themselves in the dot-com era. culture it's the big line because nobody wants to work in a silo. In fact, eight out of 10 people I recently interviewed said they couldn't wait to get back to the office to resume in-person collaboration.
The traits I want to see in a candidate are the same ones that define the dot-com mentality. I want self-starters who are hungry and have that drive and hard work in them – the kind of people who will manage their manager. When we marry that mindset with how advanced talent is today, the workforce will only get better and stronger. And just like in the dot-com era, there's no telling what we can create together.