The second full day of Wealth Management EDGE got spicy, with a Hot Ones-inspired conversation between Michael Kitces and Jason Pereira, panels with PE firms and more.
Wealth Management EDGE was on fire Wednesday — at least the lips and mouths of Michael Kitce and Jason Pereira — as they collapsed into about two dozen wings, guzzled nearly a full gallon of milk and provided their hot takes on everything from AI to private ones. capital in a The hot ones– inspirational talk to start the day.
From there, Mark Hurley presented an update to his report on the future of wealth management, Joanne Bradford detailed how women will be at the helm of most of the $30 trillion in assets controlled by baby boomers and a retired US Army lieutenant general schooled advisers on the nuances of geopolitical conflicts and markets.
Throughout, advisors continued to network at Elevate's meetings and roundtables and gathered in every corner of the exhibit hall, from LaunchPad Labs to the Invent Village to the Advisor+ Lounge.
Check out the action highlights from the last full day of Wealth Management EDGE.
Photos by Ledd Lens LLC