A new lawsuit alleges that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) illegally tracked the data of Americans who invested in the stock market.
The lawsuit, filed by the New Civil Liberties Alliance last week in Texasclaims the agency illegally collected data through the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) program, and that the program is unconstitutional.
SEC accused of data storage and tracking that includes “trade information about each investor's trade from start to finish,” which they claim violates the Fourth Amendment.
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“By seizing all financial records from all Americans who trade on U.S. exchanges, the SEC arrogates surveillance powers and appropriates billions of dollars without a shred of congressional authority—all while putting Americans' savings and investments at grave and dangerous risk.” forever,” Peggy Little. NCLA's senior litigation counsel told Fox News. “The Founders provided strong protections in our Constitution to prevent just these autocratic and dangerous actions. This CAT must be abolished, root and branch.”
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According to Barron'sthe CAT program is a trade reporting audit system approved in 2016 that allows the SEC and the exchange to “trace every order for a nationally traded stock from origin through modification, direction and execution.”
The most recent government budget approval for the CAT program was $200 million.
The class action lawsuit alleges that “modern surveillance tools enable mass tracking of individuals' every movement,” and the SEC can do so without committing additional time or resources to gathering the desired data.
“Powerful computer algorithms can process that information to reveal personal and private details of each person's financial life or investment strategy.” the lawsuit saysaccording to Bloomberg.