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One last one Gallup report pointed out that a significant number of employees are “silently leaving” or psychologically distancing themselves from their jobs. Based on insights into how workplaces could be improved, most responses did not revolve around wages or benefits. Instead, participants pointed to corporate factors such as autonomy, clear goals, and recognition as essential contributors to the company.
As CEO and founder, I have always believed that a positive and employee-centered company culture it is vital to discourage low engagement. People want to be heard and appreciated. We all have an innate desire to know that our work contributions matter.
With this in mind, we shifted our company values, realizing that our employees play a key role in shaping the company's ethos. We formulated a comprehensive framework of corporate values that guides our decisions and actions. The framework is built on the input of all our employees, ensuring it reflects that of our team different perspectives and experiences.
Here's how we made that transition by creating our company values with the input of each employee.
Connected: How to create a connected workforce through quality core values
Formulate corporate values through crowdsourcing
When I started my company, I selected key individuals to shape the company's vision, mission and values. These were the people I believed would drive the business for years to come. I also didn't think I should be the one to create these messages as I initially had doubts about the importance of having corporate values. I questioned their intent and who they were really taking advantage of. At that time, I thought to evaluate the approximation of values in employment process it was unrealistic as most candidates tend to agree to secure the job.
However, two things changed my perspective. First, I saw the genuine support and trust of the people corporate values first hand. They were a guiding light, a common basis for decision-making and behavior. Second, the need for inclusion became increasingly apparent. Values should serve everyone, not just a select few.
My company embarked on a journey to formulate corporate values through crowdsourcing in response to these realizations. Although company culture is typically created in isolation and enforced from the top, we overturned this paradigm and engaged our entire workforce, including remote workers, in the process.
We conducted more than 30 interviews, asking senior management, team leaders and company representatives what they find most important in a work environment, what qualities a company should embody and how we can best unite under one goal common. The interview results were then shared with all employees for feedback and an initial list of values was formed.
This list was ordered by how often they were mentioned. After a study of trends and market tendencies among international companies, slogan texts were drawn up and sent for a vote among the company's employees.
Regardless of their position, everyone was encouraged to vote for their values. This involvement cultivated a sense of ownership and ensured that values were aligned with our diverse workforce. After a vote with a turnout of more than 50%, the results were not only diverse, but extremely influential. Six corporate value slogans became apparent, and one that resonated with most is respect for others' time. This value has had a tangible impact on our daily practices. Analytics and calendar data reveal that meetings have become more efficient, requiring fewer participants and less time. This freed up colleagues to focus on other tasks, leading to more efficient engagements and improved teamwork. We have created a more cohesive and purpose-driven company culture by involving everyone in shaping our shared principles.
Learn how to adopt and adapt shared values
The next step in our corporate transformation was to integrate our shared values into the company structure. Admittedly, I only fully aligned with a subset of these values. However, I understood their importance and understood their role in creating a cohesive and successful organization. A CEO does not need a rigid “mine or no way” approach to leadership. In some cases, adaptive adoption is essential.
The key to making a flawless fit is to embrace the nuances. When companies insist on strictly following their values, it can stifle employee creativity and innovation. It's best to be open to different perspectives and approaches because it allows employees to bring their own unique ideas to the table while staying true to the company's overall values.
Team leaders must also effectively communicate these values to manage and motivate employees. Focus on identifying the core values that resonate most with team members and use them as guiding principles. Leaders at my company periodically remind the team of the company's core values, especially during critical decision-making moments. This helps ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.
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Integrate accumulated values into practical tools
My company's corporate values strongly influence the practical side of the business, including employment processperformance measurements and promotion evaluations.
Transparent employment decisions are essential for maintaining our values. During recruitment, our hiring staff carefully articulate the reasons for selecting their candidates, providing statistical evidence to support their choices. This transparency fosters trust and alignment with our mission and vision.
Performance metrics are vital for evaluating individual and team performance. Performance metrics are often overlooked in the IT industry, but we've found them invaluable. Our sales metrics, for example, revealed the need to restructure our team. This process promoted open communication about job expectations and challenges. It also created a culture where everyone feels empowered to openly discuss their performance.
Values are also at the forefront of promotion ratings. We believe that responsibility should be accompanied by fair compensation and we strive for transparency in this process. Team leaders are often more critical in assessing value alignment than the HR department. They are the ones who interact with employees every day and can best appreciate their commitment to our values.
By incorporating our accumulated values into the practical aspects of business, we gain a broader spectrum of knowledge and perspectives, leading to improved decision-making that resonates with our employees, customers and the industry at large.
Values empowered by employees supported by leaders
As CEO, I strongly believe that authentic values and engaged employees are the cornerstones of sustainable growth. Improving an existing company culture anchored in these vital components requires a shift in perspective, where employee-empowered involvement and values hold sway. My company's value crowdsourcing plan exemplifies this approach, actively engaging all team members and utilizing their diverse perspectives and experiences.
Other organizations can emulate our success by adopting similar practices. They can create a values-driven culture that empowers employees by prioritizing inclusion, transparency and fairness, ultimately leading to long-term success.